OpenWeather Foundation helps global communities with not-for-profit educational initiatives, providing free weather data for scientific and research purposes. Each year, the company provides data enthusiasts with £5 million worth of weather data for free through a range of social initiatives - student, open source, and many others.
The company cooperates with more than 500 of the world’s leading Universities on a variety of projects focused on tackling climate change, protecting communities, health research, and many others.
2014–2015: Expanding the Vision
2014–2015: Expanding the Vision
- Introduced interactive weather maps to visualise real-time data.
- Began collaborations with educational and scientific institutions, offering free access to support global research initiatives.
2016: Global Reach
2016: Global Reach
- Grew to serve millions of users worldwide, from individual developers to enterprises in various sectors.
- Enhanced data precision and reliability to meet diverse industry needs.
2018: Supporting Open Knowledge
2018: Supporting Open Knowledge
- Strengthened commitment to non-profit and educational projects by contributing free tools and datasets to students and educators.
- Continued to advocate for open data as a catalyst for innovation and collaboration.
2020: Industry Adoption
2020: Industry Adoption
- Became a trusted data provider for Fortune 500 companies, integrating weather data into logistics, agriculture, energy, and other industries.
- Launched advanced analytics features, expanding the range of applications for OpenWeather’s data.
2022: Celebrating a Decade
2022: Celebrating a Decade
- Marked 10 years of empowering users with comprehensive weather data services.
- Served over 5 million customers globally, reinforcing the mission to make weather data universally accessible.
2024: A Thriving Community
2024: A Thriving Community
- Proudly supporting a growing community of 7 million clients worldwide.
- OpenWeather’s data continues to drive innovation, enabling clients to create impactful solutions in diverse industries.
Foundation Team

Olga Buskin
Head of Talent, Culture and Social Impact

Dmytro Chupryna
Strategic Partnerships Director
Find Us
The Gherkin, 30 St Mary`s Axe, The City Of London, London, EC3A 8BF, United Kingdom
Email: info@openweathermap.org